Spring Day of Reflection 2014 - Laying the Foundation for Intimacy with God
Priests, Deacons, and Parish Staffs are ALL Welcome

Presenter: Rev. Thomas Dore, Pastor Emeritus, St. Giles, Oak Park
Wednesday, May 21, 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (Download pdf Flyer)
St. Eulalia Church
1851 S. 9th Avenue, Maywood, IL 60153 (ample parking)
RSVP by Monday, May19 to:
[email protected] or by calling our voice mail at 312-226-7222
(There is NO cost to attend, though a free-will offering is appreciated for Lunch.)
One of the mysteries of God is the faith community or church to which we belong. My reflections focus on our response to being a steward or trustee of our personal call, our transfiguring moments, our prayer, and our participation in the Paschal Mystery of Christ. St. Paul states so clearly, “To each person the Spirit gives gifts for the common good.” (1 Cor 12:7). Each individual is called to steward the many graces of God for the good of others. (1 Peter 4:10). This seminar will inspire you as Parish Leaders to deepen your relationship with God as you continue on your journey to spiritual fulfillment.
Schedule of the Day
10:00 a.m.: Prayer
10:15 a.m.: Basic Understanding of Christian Stewardship.
Realizing all we are and have is a gift. Our only response is gratitude.
11:00—12:00 p.m.: The Importance of Stewardship of Time
Examining the time we give to God and our significant relationships
12:00—12:45 p.m.: Lunch
1:00—2:30 p.m.: Mysteries of God and Intimacy with God.
Understanding we are entrusted with the mysteries of our faith, seeking fulfillment of the deepest longing of our hearts.
Wednesday, May 21, 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (Download pdf Flyer)
St. Eulalia Church
1851 S. 9th Avenue, Maywood, IL 60153 (ample parking)
RSVP by Monday, May19 to:
[email protected] or by calling our voice mail at 312-226-7222
(There is NO cost to attend, though a free-will offering is appreciated for Lunch.)
One of the mysteries of God is the faith community or church to which we belong. My reflections focus on our response to being a steward or trustee of our personal call, our transfiguring moments, our prayer, and our participation in the Paschal Mystery of Christ. St. Paul states so clearly, “To each person the Spirit gives gifts for the common good.” (1 Cor 12:7). Each individual is called to steward the many graces of God for the good of others. (1 Peter 4:10). This seminar will inspire you as Parish Leaders to deepen your relationship with God as you continue on your journey to spiritual fulfillment.
Schedule of the Day
10:00 a.m.: Prayer
10:15 a.m.: Basic Understanding of Christian Stewardship.
Realizing all we are and have is a gift. Our only response is gratitude.
11:00—12:00 p.m.: The Importance of Stewardship of Time
Examining the time we give to God and our significant relationships
12:00—12:45 p.m.: Lunch
1:00—2:30 p.m.: Mysteries of God and Intimacy with God.
Understanding we are entrusted with the mysteries of our faith, seeking fulfillment of the deepest longing of our hearts.

“Now that I am old and gray, do not forsake me, Oh God, that I may proclaim your wonders to generations yet to come.” (Psalm 71:18) While praying at New Melleray Abbey, this verse from Psalm 71 struck a cord in my heart and soul as I was discerning God's call to me in my retirement. It became clear to me that sharing my journey and my experiences in a more formal way could be of value to others.
Fr. Dore has conducted numerous programs about Stewardship throughout the Chicago Area and beyond, focusing primarily on the relationship between the Stewardship Way of Life and our journey toward greater intimacy with God. Fr. Dore was ordained a priest in the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1961. He has served as pastor at Our Lady of Ransom, Niles and St. Giles, Oak Park. Over the years, he has held various positions in church organizations including: Liturgy Training Publications, Office for Youth Ministry and Catechesis, Presbyteral Council, Catholic Cursillo Movement, Amate House, the Archdiocesan Board of Consultors, and National Federation of Priests Councils.
Fr. Dore has conducted numerous programs about Stewardship throughout the Chicago Area and beyond, focusing primarily on the relationship between the Stewardship Way of Life and our journey toward greater intimacy with God. Fr. Dore was ordained a priest in the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1961. He has served as pastor at Our Lady of Ransom, Niles and St. Giles, Oak Park. Over the years, he has held various positions in church organizations including: Liturgy Training Publications, Office for Youth Ministry and Catechesis, Presbyteral Council, Catholic Cursillo Movement, Amate House, the Archdiocesan Board of Consultors, and National Federation of Priests Councils.