Coordinating Board Awards presented at Annual ACP Mardi Gras
These Awards are presented to individuals and groups within the Archdiocese in recognition and appreciation for their outstanding contributions to the life of the Church of Chicago. These awards were first given in 1973 at the ACP Mardi Gras.
USML Fr. Augustus Tolton Teaching Parish Program, Andrew Holmes, Hope's on the Way, Fr. Bob Lombardo & Franciscans of the Eucharist—Our Lady of the Angels, Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation—Fr. David Kelly, C.PP.S., Pro Labore Dei - Chicago
Taller de José, ARISE - Chicago, Sr. Nancy Murray-OP, Rev. Dan Brandt, Rev. Richard Bulwith
Purpose Over Pain; Loyola Institute of Pastoral Studies; Wellness Programs for Priests- Loyola University, Ramute Kemeza,
BSN, RN; Relevant Radio-Chicago, Archdiocese of Chicago-Office of Radio and Television
The Cara Program, National Federation of Priests' Councils, Sr. Therese O'Sullivan, IBVM - House of Hope, St. Agatha Restorative Justice Peace HUB, Holy Cross/Immaculate Heart of Mary Marimba Ensemble
Dolores Madlener, Sister House Recovery Home for Women, Instituto de Liderazgo Pastoral, Office for Immigrant Affairs and Immigration Education, L'Arche Chicago, Little Company of Mary Bereavement Support Services,
Resurrection Project, Priests' Retirement Mutual Aid Association-PRMAA, Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Courage Program, St. Vincent de Paul Chicago,
Rev. Matt Foley, Dr. Carol Fowler, Black Deacons of Chicago Back-to-School Sunrise Prayer Services for Nonviolence, Priest-Labor Initiative, Mr. Jim Kozy, Rev. Don Seniuor C.P.
Rev. Charles Dahm, O.P., and H.O.P.E. at St. Pius V Parish, and Archdiocese of Chicago Domestic Violence Out Reach; Chris Kennedy and Top Box Foods; Franciscan Outreach Association; Rev. Dominic Grassi; MISERICORDIA Heart of Mercy; Leadership Council of Women Religious (National Conference and Region 8)
Vicariate Youth Coordinators, NPH and Rev. Ron Hicks, South Suburban Action Conference, Pilsen Neighbors Community Council
Gamaliel Foundation, CeaseFire / Tio Hardiman, Saint Rose Center, Inner-City Teaching Corps, The Port Ministries, Rev. Terry Deffenbaugh, OSA
Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, St. Columbanus Church Food Pantry, Rev. Michael Pfleger and the People of St. Sabina Church, Rev. Christopher Devron, SJ Christ the King College Prep
Rev. Michael J. Adams, Daniel Gast, Inspire, Greater Chicago Food Depository, Women's Center of Greater Chicago
Fr. John Foley, S.J.; Friends of the Orphans; Sr. Monice Kavanaugh, O.P. - The Learning Center; Michael Koller, M.D.; Vincent Pisani, Ph.D.
Priests for Justice for Immigration Reform; Dennis and Ronnie Mudd-Community Social Services Waukegan; Abrom Salley-Zacchaeus House; John Green-Emmaus Ministries
Phil Cline; CSJ Ministry of the Arts; Deacon Bruce McElrath; Fr. Richard Milek; Ministry Commission of Vicariate V; Pat Ryan, Jr.
Justice Anne M. Burke; Rev. Michael T. Herman/Logan Square Neighborhood Ass'n; Rev. Patrick R. Lagges/Rev. Daniel A. Smilanic for Canonical Services; Diaconate Formation Program/Instituto de Liderazgo Pastoral; Oblate Sisters of Jesus the Priest; Mrs. Margaret (Mickey) Paluch and the J. S. Paluch Company; Rev. Thomas M. Walsh/North Lawndale Ministry
Health Advisory Committee for Priests, Immaculate Conception School (South Chicago), Rita Kattner, Fr. Ed Salmon/Bishop Dempsey Hunger Fund, Fr. John Smyth
Rev. Richard Saudis, Principals 30+ Years Catholic Educators, Comite Tinon for Hispanic Charismatic Renewal, Victims' Outreach Team Dealing with Sexual Abuse
Chicago Interfaith Committee for Worker Rights, Fr. Tom Healy, Gabe Huck, Fr. Bill O'Connor
Rev. Michael Boehm and Spanish Ministry of Lake County; Rev. Kevin Hays/St. James Society; Sheila McLaughlin/ODW Staff; SPRED/Rev. James McCarthy, Sr. Mary Therese Harrington, SH, Sr. Susanne Gallagher, SSP, Julie Hess, Elizabeth Sivek; David and Mary Beth Kunde Anderson/Taize Prayer
Deacon George Brooks; Millennium Office-Al Castillo; Pastors of four parishes with grammar and high schools: Mike Yakaitis-St. Barbara, Bob Heidenreich-St. Benedict, John Clemens-St. Gregory, Jim Miller-Our Lady of Tepeyac; Rev. Joseph Kruszynski, OFM Conv.-Disciples in Mission Program; Jack Egan-efforts to combat unjust pay day cash loans
Archdiocesan Gay/Lesbian Outreach (AGLO); Eulalia Community Helping Others (ECHO); Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide (LOSS); Institute of Women Today; Interfaith Leadership Project of Berwyn, Cicero, Stickney; SouthWest Organizing Project (SWOP); Straight Talk; Young Adult Ministry
Campaign for Human Development, CREDO, Holy Trinity High School, HOPE NOW, Inc., Mujeres en Accion, The Night Ministry
St. Joseph-Presentation Parish Sharing, Friendship House, Respond Now, Providence Family Services, AIDS Care, Inc., St. Joseph Tutoring Program
Deborah's Place, Lake County PADS Plus, Sr. Leonette Kaluzny, Parish Newspapers, Polish Welfare Ass'n, The Port, St. Sabina Community Leadership
Archbishop Quigley Seminary, El Valor, I Have a Dream, Partnership in Mission: Chicago/Chilpancingo-Chilapa, St. James Social Care, Southwest Chicago PADS, Wellstreams
Alfred Abramowicz, Tim Lyne, Mark Teresi and Mary Conley Teresi, Jose Castillo (ODW), Institute for Hispanic Catechesis, S.A.F.E. Program, Bonaventure House, Augustus Tolton Scholarship Program, St. Catherine of Genoa Shelter, Sister Marita Maschmann
Pamela Mecyk, LCM Hospice Program; Sr. Brenda Kelzer, Kelzer's Care Center; Ed Marciniak, Institute of Urban Life; Ralph Bonaccorsi; Jean Noble; Deans of the Archdiocese; Pilsen Resurrection Development Corporation
Inspiration Cafe, Tom Tunney, Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, Mass for Shutins, Dennis Geaney, Collaboration in Ministry Committe
St. Catherine Catholic Workers, Vicariate I, Casa Jesus, Jean McGree, Joan McGuire, PADS, Catholic Theological Union, Holy Name of Mary Parish
Pat Smuck, St. Martin de Porres Shelter, Big Shoulders Fund, Rev. Michael Pfleger and Rev. George Clements, Curba and Clarissa Merrill, Arlington Area CFM-Our Lady of the Wayside, Clarice Brown-NCCW and National Congress of Black Catholics, Julio Alejandro Escalona-Chicago Catolico, Lakes Cluster Evangelization Team, South Suburban Action Conference
Amate House, Chicago Area Religious Educators, Lay Franciscan Shelter (Franciscan Pilgrim Shelter), Cursillo, Andrew and Terri Lyke, Jerry and Ann Prete, Kolbe House, Carl Meirose and AIDS Pastoral Network, St. Teresa Parish, Nuns at Marillac House, Hispanic Caucus, Dick Westley
Rev. Pat Brennan and Dawn Mayer of The Office for Evangelization, Black Catholic Revival, Teens Encounter Christ, Deanery 5 Catholic Youth Program, Five northside pastors (Flavin, Fahey, Noone, Healy, Lyne) ministering in the homosexual community
John McNamara-Chairman/Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, Linda Maser, Roberta Popara and Deacon Roy Warren-Parish Administrators, Rev. Jim Close and Rev. John Smyth, The Catholic Intercongregational Sanctuary Project (CISPC), Rev. Clete Kiley, John McDermott and Host Committee of Nat'l Consultation on the Laity, Rev. John Horan and CYO Staff, Rev. Juan Juitrado and Hispanic Caucus
Jim Dunham and SHARE/Food, Lois McGovern and staff of Dehon House Shelter, Steve Martz and Katie Sprutta of AIDS Action Project, Suzy Yehl and Rainbows for All God's Children, Rev. Charles Kyle and Education Committee for Youth Services, Edwina Gateley, Sister Pat Moran, RSM and Sister Kay Buechele, OP Pastoral Associates
Rev. John Shea, The Center for Pastoral Ministry and St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, The Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open Communities, Rev. Larry Maddock and Instituto de Liderazgo Pastoral, Rita Kattner and Christ Renews His Parish, Amate House, Chicago Catholic Women, Peggy Roach
The United Neighborhoods Organization, Mr. Tom James and Rev. Jack Wall, Theology on Tap, St. Francis Center and St. Martin de Porres House of Hope, Ms. Maureen Shields and Rev. Bill Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Redd, Mr. and Mrs. John Ashford, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lyke, Sister Rosemary Connelly, RSM, The Chicago Studies Staff
Mr. Peter Martinez, Sister Marcella Connolly, O.P., Rev. Joseph Mulcrone and Nancy Huber, Curt M. O'Reilly, M. D., Alicia and Sebastian Rivera, The Vicariate X Vocation Committee, The Sisters of Charity of the BVM
The Sisters of Mercy, Ms. Belle Whaley, Rev. Larry Craig and Rev. John Hurley, The Phoenix Ministry Office, Mrs. Antonita Salgado, Rev. Robert Backis, The Center for Pastoral Ministry
Dorothy Day, Office for Divine Worship, Rev. Thomas Swade, Eighth Day Center for Justice, Mr. John McDermott, Sister Carol Crepeau, Rev. Larry Gorman, Rev. Joseph Kinane, Mr. Robert McClory, The Chicago Church Task Force on El Salvador
Dan Daley and Karen Minnice, Rev. William Clark and Rev. Christe Melone, Mr. Bishop King, Rev. Martin Farrell, Mr. C. Alexander Peloquin, Mr. John Pistone, Dignity/Chicago, Sister Carol Frances Jegen
Luis Rivera, William Lynch, Phyllis Winter, Rev. James McCarthy, Sister Susanne Gallagher, Sister Mary Therese Harrington, Rev. William Burke, South Shore Bank, Mr. George Murphy, Rev. Robert Cross, Mr. Martin Hegarty, Rev. Thomas Hickey, Rev. William McNulty
The Chicago Matrimonial Tribunal, H. Robert Clark, Richard Issel, Quentin Young, Dorothy Gartland, Greg and Kathy Bewley, Dan Herr
Dan and Donna Fitzpatrick, Jane Kennedy, Roy Larson, Renault Robinson, Donna Quinn, Florence Smithe
Sister Agnes Cunningham, Mrs. Mae Dore, Rev. Mr. Anthony Llorens, Clyde Ross, Carlos and Estelle Perez, Dr. Richard Westley
Mr. Anthony Murray (lawyer for conscientious objectors), Mr. Bishop King, Dr. Jorge Prieto, Mrs. Pat Crowley, Sister Teresita Weind, Sister Dominga Zapata
George Higgins, John Hill, Jerry Prete, Tom Juettner, Zeferino Ochoa, Sister Dorothy Schmidt, Mrs. Pat Belanger
Msgr. Ignatius McDermott, Rev. Andrew McDonagh, Dr. James West, Dr. Vincent Pisani, Dr. John McLaughlin, Mrs. Rosemary Weishaar (Archdiocesan Health Program), Rev. Donald Hughes, Rev. Joseph McDonnell, Rev. Thomas Murphy
USML Fr. Augustus Tolton Teaching Parish Program, Andrew Holmes, Hope's on the Way, Fr. Bob Lombardo & Franciscans of the Eucharist—Our Lady of the Angels, Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation—Fr. David Kelly, C.PP.S., Pro Labore Dei - Chicago
Taller de José, ARISE - Chicago, Sr. Nancy Murray-OP, Rev. Dan Brandt, Rev. Richard Bulwith
Purpose Over Pain; Loyola Institute of Pastoral Studies; Wellness Programs for Priests- Loyola University, Ramute Kemeza,
BSN, RN; Relevant Radio-Chicago, Archdiocese of Chicago-Office of Radio and Television
The Cara Program, National Federation of Priests' Councils, Sr. Therese O'Sullivan, IBVM - House of Hope, St. Agatha Restorative Justice Peace HUB, Holy Cross/Immaculate Heart of Mary Marimba Ensemble
Dolores Madlener, Sister House Recovery Home for Women, Instituto de Liderazgo Pastoral, Office for Immigrant Affairs and Immigration Education, L'Arche Chicago, Little Company of Mary Bereavement Support Services,
Resurrection Project, Priests' Retirement Mutual Aid Association-PRMAA, Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Courage Program, St. Vincent de Paul Chicago,
Rev. Matt Foley, Dr. Carol Fowler, Black Deacons of Chicago Back-to-School Sunrise Prayer Services for Nonviolence, Priest-Labor Initiative, Mr. Jim Kozy, Rev. Don Seniuor C.P.
Rev. Charles Dahm, O.P., and H.O.P.E. at St. Pius V Parish, and Archdiocese of Chicago Domestic Violence Out Reach; Chris Kennedy and Top Box Foods; Franciscan Outreach Association; Rev. Dominic Grassi; MISERICORDIA Heart of Mercy; Leadership Council of Women Religious (National Conference and Region 8)
Vicariate Youth Coordinators, NPH and Rev. Ron Hicks, South Suburban Action Conference, Pilsen Neighbors Community Council
Gamaliel Foundation, CeaseFire / Tio Hardiman, Saint Rose Center, Inner-City Teaching Corps, The Port Ministries, Rev. Terry Deffenbaugh, OSA
Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, St. Columbanus Church Food Pantry, Rev. Michael Pfleger and the People of St. Sabina Church, Rev. Christopher Devron, SJ Christ the King College Prep
Rev. Michael J. Adams, Daniel Gast, Inspire, Greater Chicago Food Depository, Women's Center of Greater Chicago
Fr. John Foley, S.J.; Friends of the Orphans; Sr. Monice Kavanaugh, O.P. - The Learning Center; Michael Koller, M.D.; Vincent Pisani, Ph.D.
Priests for Justice for Immigration Reform; Dennis and Ronnie Mudd-Community Social Services Waukegan; Abrom Salley-Zacchaeus House; John Green-Emmaus Ministries
Phil Cline; CSJ Ministry of the Arts; Deacon Bruce McElrath; Fr. Richard Milek; Ministry Commission of Vicariate V; Pat Ryan, Jr.
Justice Anne M. Burke; Rev. Michael T. Herman/Logan Square Neighborhood Ass'n; Rev. Patrick R. Lagges/Rev. Daniel A. Smilanic for Canonical Services; Diaconate Formation Program/Instituto de Liderazgo Pastoral; Oblate Sisters of Jesus the Priest; Mrs. Margaret (Mickey) Paluch and the J. S. Paluch Company; Rev. Thomas M. Walsh/North Lawndale Ministry
Health Advisory Committee for Priests, Immaculate Conception School (South Chicago), Rita Kattner, Fr. Ed Salmon/Bishop Dempsey Hunger Fund, Fr. John Smyth
Rev. Richard Saudis, Principals 30+ Years Catholic Educators, Comite Tinon for Hispanic Charismatic Renewal, Victims' Outreach Team Dealing with Sexual Abuse
Chicago Interfaith Committee for Worker Rights, Fr. Tom Healy, Gabe Huck, Fr. Bill O'Connor
Rev. Michael Boehm and Spanish Ministry of Lake County; Rev. Kevin Hays/St. James Society; Sheila McLaughlin/ODW Staff; SPRED/Rev. James McCarthy, Sr. Mary Therese Harrington, SH, Sr. Susanne Gallagher, SSP, Julie Hess, Elizabeth Sivek; David and Mary Beth Kunde Anderson/Taize Prayer
Deacon George Brooks; Millennium Office-Al Castillo; Pastors of four parishes with grammar and high schools: Mike Yakaitis-St. Barbara, Bob Heidenreich-St. Benedict, John Clemens-St. Gregory, Jim Miller-Our Lady of Tepeyac; Rev. Joseph Kruszynski, OFM Conv.-Disciples in Mission Program; Jack Egan-efforts to combat unjust pay day cash loans
Archdiocesan Gay/Lesbian Outreach (AGLO); Eulalia Community Helping Others (ECHO); Loving Outreach to Survivors of Suicide (LOSS); Institute of Women Today; Interfaith Leadership Project of Berwyn, Cicero, Stickney; SouthWest Organizing Project (SWOP); Straight Talk; Young Adult Ministry
Campaign for Human Development, CREDO, Holy Trinity High School, HOPE NOW, Inc., Mujeres en Accion, The Night Ministry
St. Joseph-Presentation Parish Sharing, Friendship House, Respond Now, Providence Family Services, AIDS Care, Inc., St. Joseph Tutoring Program
Deborah's Place, Lake County PADS Plus, Sr. Leonette Kaluzny, Parish Newspapers, Polish Welfare Ass'n, The Port, St. Sabina Community Leadership
Archbishop Quigley Seminary, El Valor, I Have a Dream, Partnership in Mission: Chicago/Chilpancingo-Chilapa, St. James Social Care, Southwest Chicago PADS, Wellstreams
Alfred Abramowicz, Tim Lyne, Mark Teresi and Mary Conley Teresi, Jose Castillo (ODW), Institute for Hispanic Catechesis, S.A.F.E. Program, Bonaventure House, Augustus Tolton Scholarship Program, St. Catherine of Genoa Shelter, Sister Marita Maschmann
Pamela Mecyk, LCM Hospice Program; Sr. Brenda Kelzer, Kelzer's Care Center; Ed Marciniak, Institute of Urban Life; Ralph Bonaccorsi; Jean Noble; Deans of the Archdiocese; Pilsen Resurrection Development Corporation
Inspiration Cafe, Tom Tunney, Chicago Coalition for the Homeless, Mass for Shutins, Dennis Geaney, Collaboration in Ministry Committe
St. Catherine Catholic Workers, Vicariate I, Casa Jesus, Jean McGree, Joan McGuire, PADS, Catholic Theological Union, Holy Name of Mary Parish
Pat Smuck, St. Martin de Porres Shelter, Big Shoulders Fund, Rev. Michael Pfleger and Rev. George Clements, Curba and Clarissa Merrill, Arlington Area CFM-Our Lady of the Wayside, Clarice Brown-NCCW and National Congress of Black Catholics, Julio Alejandro Escalona-Chicago Catolico, Lakes Cluster Evangelization Team, South Suburban Action Conference
Amate House, Chicago Area Religious Educators, Lay Franciscan Shelter (Franciscan Pilgrim Shelter), Cursillo, Andrew and Terri Lyke, Jerry and Ann Prete, Kolbe House, Carl Meirose and AIDS Pastoral Network, St. Teresa Parish, Nuns at Marillac House, Hispanic Caucus, Dick Westley
Rev. Pat Brennan and Dawn Mayer of The Office for Evangelization, Black Catholic Revival, Teens Encounter Christ, Deanery 5 Catholic Youth Program, Five northside pastors (Flavin, Fahey, Noone, Healy, Lyne) ministering in the homosexual community
John McNamara-Chairman/Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, Linda Maser, Roberta Popara and Deacon Roy Warren-Parish Administrators, Rev. Jim Close and Rev. John Smyth, The Catholic Intercongregational Sanctuary Project (CISPC), Rev. Clete Kiley, John McDermott and Host Committee of Nat'l Consultation on the Laity, Rev. John Horan and CYO Staff, Rev. Juan Juitrado and Hispanic Caucus
Jim Dunham and SHARE/Food, Lois McGovern and staff of Dehon House Shelter, Steve Martz and Katie Sprutta of AIDS Action Project, Suzy Yehl and Rainbows for All God's Children, Rev. Charles Kyle and Education Committee for Youth Services, Edwina Gateley, Sister Pat Moran, RSM and Sister Kay Buechele, OP Pastoral Associates
Rev. John Shea, The Center for Pastoral Ministry and St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, The Leadership Council for Metropolitan Open Communities, Rev. Larry Maddock and Instituto de Liderazgo Pastoral, Rita Kattner and Christ Renews His Parish, Amate House, Chicago Catholic Women, Peggy Roach
The United Neighborhoods Organization, Mr. Tom James and Rev. Jack Wall, Theology on Tap, St. Francis Center and St. Martin de Porres House of Hope, Ms. Maureen Shields and Rev. Bill Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Redd, Mr. and Mrs. John Ashford, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lyke, Sister Rosemary Connelly, RSM, The Chicago Studies Staff
Mr. Peter Martinez, Sister Marcella Connolly, O.P., Rev. Joseph Mulcrone and Nancy Huber, Curt M. O'Reilly, M. D., Alicia and Sebastian Rivera, The Vicariate X Vocation Committee, The Sisters of Charity of the BVM
The Sisters of Mercy, Ms. Belle Whaley, Rev. Larry Craig and Rev. John Hurley, The Phoenix Ministry Office, Mrs. Antonita Salgado, Rev. Robert Backis, The Center for Pastoral Ministry
Dorothy Day, Office for Divine Worship, Rev. Thomas Swade, Eighth Day Center for Justice, Mr. John McDermott, Sister Carol Crepeau, Rev. Larry Gorman, Rev. Joseph Kinane, Mr. Robert McClory, The Chicago Church Task Force on El Salvador
Dan Daley and Karen Minnice, Rev. William Clark and Rev. Christe Melone, Mr. Bishop King, Rev. Martin Farrell, Mr. C. Alexander Peloquin, Mr. John Pistone, Dignity/Chicago, Sister Carol Frances Jegen
Luis Rivera, William Lynch, Phyllis Winter, Rev. James McCarthy, Sister Susanne Gallagher, Sister Mary Therese Harrington, Rev. William Burke, South Shore Bank, Mr. George Murphy, Rev. Robert Cross, Mr. Martin Hegarty, Rev. Thomas Hickey, Rev. William McNulty
The Chicago Matrimonial Tribunal, H. Robert Clark, Richard Issel, Quentin Young, Dorothy Gartland, Greg and Kathy Bewley, Dan Herr
Dan and Donna Fitzpatrick, Jane Kennedy, Roy Larson, Renault Robinson, Donna Quinn, Florence Smithe
Sister Agnes Cunningham, Mrs. Mae Dore, Rev. Mr. Anthony Llorens, Clyde Ross, Carlos and Estelle Perez, Dr. Richard Westley
Mr. Anthony Murray (lawyer for conscientious objectors), Mr. Bishop King, Dr. Jorge Prieto, Mrs. Pat Crowley, Sister Teresita Weind, Sister Dominga Zapata
George Higgins, John Hill, Jerry Prete, Tom Juettner, Zeferino Ochoa, Sister Dorothy Schmidt, Mrs. Pat Belanger
Msgr. Ignatius McDermott, Rev. Andrew McDonagh, Dr. James West, Dr. Vincent Pisani, Dr. John McLaughlin, Mrs. Rosemary Weishaar (Archdiocesan Health Program), Rev. Donald Hughes, Rev. Joseph McDonnell, Rev. Thomas Murphy