![]() 54th Annual
Mardi Gras & Ministry Awards Sunday, February 14, 2021 Virtual on YouTube Accessible beginning 4:00 pm and anytime thereafter for your convenience. ACPD Virtual Mardi Gras Ministry Awards 2021 (Click Here)
ACPD Mardi Gras GiveCentral Donate (Click Here) or mail check to ACPD (Association of Chicago Priests and Deacons) PO Box 388208, Chicago, IL 60638 You can also renew your Membership below: Mardi Gras 2020 WEB page View Photo Album of Mardi Gras 2020 ACPD MEMBERSHIP FORM
JANUARY 2020 TO JUNE 2022 1 1/2 year Membership Your Support is needed more than ever. ![]() Exploring the Gospel of Mark,
Year B for Prayer & for Preaching Fr. Jim McIlhone, using ZOOM For Priests, Deacons, and anyone involved in Liturgical Ministry. Wed., Dec. 9, 2020, 7:00-9:00 pm ZOOM link: https://zoom.us/j/98939065933?pwd=NEdCNGtBMStHUU9lQkRHK3BpQms5dz09 Meeting ID: 989 3906 5933;- Passcode: 9VR01p Registration Iink (please provide us with your Email & Phone): December 9th, 7:00pm (Zoom Mtg) Gospel of Mark, with Fr. Jim McIlhone There is NO cost to attend. Click here for brochure. ![]() Annual Architectural 3 hour Cruise on Chicago River & Lake Michigan,
Sept. 2020 Cancelled because of COVID-19 Patricia Ann Smuck 1936-May 15, 2019![]() I It is with sadness that we heard of Pat's passing. All who knew her would call her "friend" and "advocate". Pat was a member of the ACPD Board for over 30 years as a lay associate. She not only participated in Board meetings sharing her wit and wisdom, but was always involved in whatever nitty-gritty work needed to be done for the Mardi Gras to other events we sponsored. Pat was always available. We honored her about five years ago with a special award to recognize her dedication and commitment to supporting priests and our ministry.
While Pat will be missed at meetings, We feel sure that she will be our "advocate" from heaven. If anyone deserves a one way pass directly to heaven, it is Pat. She didn't need a priest's collar for authority, she knew it came with Baptism and Confirmation, and she lived her faith each day. Fr. Ken Fleck, ACPD chairman and Board Members Obituary for Pat Smuch |
Mission Statement of the ACPD
Established October 24, 1966 - McCormick Place
ACPD Membership - support the vision of Vatican II and
- Mission
- Board-Chairs
- Mardi Gras
- Awards
- Fr. Tom Rosica-50th Kick-Off Celebration
- SPRING 2015 Seminar- Lou Cameli: Pope Francis Priesthood Renewal
- FALL 2014 Seminar-The Gospel of Mark
- SPRING 2014 Seminar-Laying the Foundation for Intimacy with God
- FAll 2013 Seminar Priest-Labor & New Evangelization
- Spring 2013 Seminar-Reflections on Priesthood
- Fall 2012 Seminar-Young Adult Ministry
- Photos
- Publications
- Links
- Contact
- News
- Mardi Gras 2021