ACP 46th Annual Mardi Gras
Ministry Awards
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Ministry Awards
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Ministry Awards for 2013
Blessed John XXIII Award
(Award description and past recipients) Rev. Edward McLaughlin Pastor Emeritus of St. Michael Parish in Orland Park, IL Bridgeport News Article, February 13, 2013, reprinted with permission Fr. Ed served on the faculty of Quigley Seminary South H.S. and Niles College of Loyola University. He was pastor at St. Maurice in McKinley Park and St. Michael in Orland Park. Though Pastor Emeritus, he remains an active priest at Incarnation in Heights. He has been active in Priests Retirement Mutual Aid Association and the Alcohol and Addiction Committee of the Archdiocese. Fr. Ed embodies the spirit of Blessed John XXIII. He has stated that Vatican II was a gift from God to our Church. He has expressed that his hope and prayer is that we will continue to have priests and bishops with the courage, wisdom, and vision to keep the flame of Vatican II burning brightly and igniting all God's people. Joseph Cardinal Bernardin
Common Ground Award (Award description and past recipients) Ms. Rita Kattner Executive Director, Archdiocesan Office for Councils and Christ Renews His Parish. The Office of Councils oversees the Presbyteral Council, Archdiocese Pastoral Council, Archdiocese Women's Committee, Archdiocese Youth Pastoral Council, and Parish Pastoral Councils. She has helped form the Archdiocese's Lay Ministry Program. Her professional actives have included works the the: Catholic Festival of Faith Task Force, Archdiocesan AIDS Task Force, Institute for Sp-ritual Companionship, and Archdiocesan Stewardship Committee. COORDINATING BOARD AWARDS
Thank you for your support
The 46th Annual Mardi Gras Ministry Awards was a gala event with over 300 people in attendance. It was a wonderful celebration and affirmation of ministry in the Archdiocese of Chicago. In this year celebrating the 50 anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, more than one award recipient commented on how Vatican II had molded their ministry. It was in Lumen Gentium, the Dogmatic Constitution of the Church, that the ecclesiological principle of the Church as the People of God was affirmed. Thanks to everyone who supported the ACP's celebration of ministry at our Mardi Gras.
SAVE THE DATE: 47th Annual ACP Mardi Gras, Sunday, March 2, 2014, at St. John Brebeuf. Program
Please RSVP by February 6. GRAND RAFFLE: $5 per ticket
Your support for the ACP is greatly appreciated. Please consider placing an Ad in our Program Book. Ad Deadline is February 1. Thank You.
For more information:
Association of Chicago Priests P.OP. Box 3584 Oak Park, IL 60303 [email protected] 312-226-7222 Ray Campbell, Office Manager |