Here's the Church
ACP Fall Seminar Summary | |
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Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2012 - 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. - St. Eulalia Church - 1851 S. 9th Ave - Maywood - Ample Parking
There is no cost to attend, though a free will offering for Lunch is appreciated
RSVP by Friday, October 19, to: [email protected] or by calling our voice mail at 312-226-7222

Dr. Kate DeVries, our Cardinal, Rev. John Cusick
A Day To Strategize and Develop a Pastoral Plan to outreach and include those in their 20s and 30s, Married and Single, into Parish Life. Not too long ago, opening the Church doors for weekend Mass revealed fuller Churches and younger congregants. In fact, 40 years ago the backbone of Catholic parish life was people in the age range of 25-45. Today that former backbone all too often is greatly diminished in numbers and so, so many are missing.
Check out your own family and the families of so many of our parishioners. Nearly all will share that so many of their “kids” in their 20s and 30s attend Mass irregularly if at all. This is affecting all of our racial and ethnic communities. As people assimilate into the American popular culture, data is revealing that many distance themselves from their Faith Traditions.
Though we are blessed with a number of parish youth group graduates who remain close to the parish and a number of young adults who have discovered the rich traditions of our spiritual practices of Adoration, the Rosary, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, they pale in comparison to the large number of their peers who are simply not around.
You are invited to spend some time on Tuesday, October 23rd, exploring some needed pastoral strategies to outreach, invite, welcome and fill the pews with the 20somethings and 30somethings.
Here are some strategies on which we will focus…
This is not an issue that is unique to the Catholic Church. Young Adults are missing from many, many religious traditions. We may not be able to stop a cultural trend, but we can do a lot to create welcoming parishes that are responsive to the needs and lifestyles of today’s young adults, both single and married.
Click Here to download pdf flyer of Ministry to Young Adults Seminar.
Check out your own family and the families of so many of our parishioners. Nearly all will share that so many of their “kids” in their 20s and 30s attend Mass irregularly if at all. This is affecting all of our racial and ethnic communities. As people assimilate into the American popular culture, data is revealing that many distance themselves from their Faith Traditions.
Though we are blessed with a number of parish youth group graduates who remain close to the parish and a number of young adults who have discovered the rich traditions of our spiritual practices of Adoration, the Rosary, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, they pale in comparison to the large number of their peers who are simply not around.
You are invited to spend some time on Tuesday, October 23rd, exploring some needed pastoral strategies to outreach, invite, welcome and fill the pews with the 20somethings and 30somethings.
Here are some strategies on which we will focus…
- A 7 Step Plan to Re-Generate our Parishes with young adult people.
- Creating a 3rd Moment of the Young Adults Sacraments: Marriage & Baptism.
- A Creative Plan to Catechize Young Parents and other Young Adults.
- The Use of Social Media as a tool of Evangelization of Young Adults.
This is not an issue that is unique to the Catholic Church. Young Adults are missing from many, many religious traditions. We may not be able to stop a cultural trend, but we can do a lot to create welcoming parishes that are responsive to the needs and lifestyles of today’s young adults, both single and married.
Click Here to download pdf flyer of Ministry to Young Adults Seminar.