UPTURN is the Journal of the Association of Chicago Priests, published three to four times a year. The Fall 2012 issue focuses on Lumen Gentium, Reflections from Brother Priests on the Ongoing Impact of Vatican II. This is a first in a series of reflections on the Documents of Vatican II. We are very grateful for those who have contributed articles to our Fall Issue, both those from the Archdiocese of Chicago and those from other Dioceses.
Past topics addressed in UPTURN have included:
If you wish to receive future issues of UPTURN, you are invited:
Complementary Issues of UPTURN
Vatican II: The Ideal and Struggles to Embrace the Fullness of the People of God
Reflections from Brother Priests on the Ongoing Impact of Vatican II
- Mission
- Board-Chairs
- Mardi Gras
- Awards
- Fr. Tom Rosica-50th Kick-Off Celebration
- SPRING 2015 Seminar- Lou Cameli: Pope Francis Priesthood Renewal
- FALL 2014 Seminar-The Gospel of Mark
- SPRING 2014 Seminar-Laying the Foundation for Intimacy with God
- FAll 2013 Seminar Priest-Labor & New Evangelization
- Spring 2013 Seminar-Reflections on Priesthood
- Fall 2012 Seminar-Young Adult Ministry
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- News
- Mardi Gras 2021